If you were injured while in a Lyft rideshare vehicle, you may be eligible for compensation.

Many people who have been involved in an Uber or Lyft accident do not understand their legal rights, which is why they need the help of a Lyft accident lawyer. Navigating the law when dealing with a rideshare accident claim can be an incredibly complex and difficult task without the right lawyer on your side. 

In 2019, Lyft released its first safety report, which indicated that 105 people died from car accidents involving Lyft vehicles between 2017 and 2019. With the growing popularity of ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft, there is a growing number of people who find themselves in accidents.

If you’ve been injured in a ridesharing accident, you have the same legal rights as someone who has been involved in an accident in privately owned vehicles. This means that if you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident while in a rideshare vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. Contact Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys for a free consultation, so we can explain your legal rights and help you file a claim, and you can receive the compensation you are entitled to for your Lyft car accident injuries.

What is Lyft?

Lyft is a rideshare company that offers travel services to locals and tourists. They operate via a mobile application, where users can enter their current location and destination and have a driver pick them up.

These rideshare services hire independent contractors as drivers. Every driver makes use of their own personal vehicle to transport customers from one location to another. Lyft and Uber are examples of such ridesharing companies and often receive a portion of the driver’s earnings, essentially acting as a middleman between the driver and the customer. These companies have become more popular among locals and tourists alike all around the country.


How Liability Is Determined In A Lyft Accident

It can be especially challenging to determine who is to blame in a ridesharing collision. Contract workers, who are primarily autonomous or independent, are used by ridesharing providers to fulfill service requirements. If you were injured in a car accident caused by a driver you booked via Lyft, you may be able to hold the driver personally liable.

Furthermore, rideshare companies have made significant efforts to avoid legal risks, even though they do not always hire contract workers with the safest cars or personal competence to offer clients safe services. 

Ridesharing drivers are also not tested for medical conditions that can impair their attentiveness and make them more unsafe on the road, which is another concerning factor. In some cases, you may be able to sue the ridesharing business for placing dangerous drivers on its platform and putting you in danger. 

Speak to an experienced attorney if you have been involved in an Uber or Lyft accident, and they can explain your options and offer you sound legal advice.

Time Frame

The Statute of Limitations for Ridesharing Accidents

As with most personal injury lawsuits, the statutes of limitations for ridesharing accidents differ from one state to another. You only have a few years in most states to file a personal injury claim against the driver or rideshare company responsible for your injuries and damages (expenses). 

If you’re not sure if you still have enough time to file the claim or lawsuit, it is best to speak with an experienced car accident attorney who has handled these types of accidents before. 

Starting the legal process as soon as possible is the best strategy. The earlier you begin the procedure, the easier it is to gather proof to back up your allegations. Eyewitness testimonies obtained closer to the time of the crash may contain more information than an eyewitness testimony given a year after the accident. 

Additionally, obtaining proof from security cameras in the area becomes a lot easier if it is done soon after the incident occurs.

Don’t delay. Call a Lyft Accident Lawyer as soon as possible.


Determining Whether the Lyft Driver Was Negligent

A personal injury claim may only be deemed valid if a driver has been proved to be negligent. To prove that a driver was being negligent, first, it is essential to establish that the driver had a duty of care

This is not difficult to prove concerning auto accidents because all motorists have an obligation to keep other motorists and their passenger’s safe while on the road. This duty of care refers to anything that another reasonable driver would have done in a similar situation.

Next, you must prove that the driver did not just have a duty of care, but also breached this duty of care by failing to keep you safe, which resulted in your injuries. You also need to prove causation, which means proving that the driver’s breach of duty is what lead to your injury.

Finally, you must provide proof that these injuries resulted in damages. These damages may be financial damages such as expenses for medical care or lost wages (known as economic damages), or they may be damages related to the pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the incident (known as non-economic damages).

If your Lyft driver was the at-fault driver and driving negligently, you might be able to claim damages from the driver, the company, or both. Negligent driving may include:

  • Distracted Driving- on a cell phone, changing the radio, or otherwise preoccupied
  • Aggressive Driving
  • Drunk Driving or driving under the influence of drugs
  • Ignoring road signs and the rules of the road
  • Falling asleep or driving while drowsy
  • Speeding
  • Failing to maintain a reasonable distance from the lead car

There are many other instances of negligence that can qualify a case as a personal injury case. To find out more about your unique case and whether you are entitled to compensation after a collision in a Lyft accident, talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer.


On-Duty Versus Off-Duty Lyft Accidents

A rideshare accident case offers a special set of obstacles when it comes to proving who is responsible for paying accident victims for any injuries. Only when the Lyft driver is considered “on-duty” is Lyft’s insurance company financially accountable for your damages as a passenger or the other driver of the vehicle involved in a crash with a Lyft driver.

Furthermore, a driver may be considered on-duty if they have received a request from a customer and are on their way to pick them up or if they have a customer in their vehicle and are taking them to their destination. However, if the Lyft driver was “off-duty” at the time that the accident occurred, you must seek compensation from the driver and his personal auto insurance policy. A Lyft driver is considered to be off duty if he or she has not yet accepted a request from a customer or does not have a customer in their vehicle.


Resulting Damages from Lyft Accidents

Damages are all the expenses or losses that you may have incurred as the result of an accident. A ridesharing collision may result in many expenses, even if you do not have a car that needs repair. Following an automobile accident, medical bills are typical. 

Emergency services almost always attempt to transport you to an emergency room. Even if there are no apparent injuries at first, it may be in your best interest to get medical attention because many injuries do not show up until a few days after the incident. 

Medical treatment can be extremely costly, especially if you do not have health insurance coverage. When incidents of this nature occur without warning, it can often put people in debt, as many are forced to pay hefty medical bills with their credit cards. Accident victims of a ridesharing vehicle can have all their medical bills compensated.  

Personal injury law firms will help accident victims get compensation for their injuries without putting more financial burden on them by charging on a contingency fee basis. If you were injured due to a negligent driver,  you should not be responsible for the damages. So, how do you determine who is the negligent driver?

What Damages Can I Claim for Filing a Lyft Accident Lawsuit?

With the help of an experienced car accident lawyer, you may be able to claim for the following types of damages:

  • Medical expenses (both current and future)
  • Lost wages or income (both current and future)
  • Pain and suffering and any other emotional distress and mental consequences
  • The loss of future income in cases where a victim has become permanently disabled
  • Property Damage (If you have anything with you, or were the other driver in the accident)
  • Wrongful Death Damages – Including funeral expenses, burial costs, and loss of consortium (for fatal accidents)

Depending on the specifics of your accident and actual damages will determine the amount you can be compensated for. To get started, talk to a rideshare accident attorney who offers a free no-obligation consultation.


Lyft Accident Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Do After a Lyft Accident?

Who Can File a Claim Against Lyft Following an Accident?

How Much Does a Lyft Accident Lawyer Cost?

What Are Common Injuries in an Uber or Lyft Accident?

Do I Need a Lyft Accident Lawyer?

Should I Accept a Settlement Offer from an Insurance Company After a Car Accident?

Let Our Lyft Accident Lawyers Get You Compensation

If you were injured in an accident while in a Lyft, don’t hesitate to call Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to all accident victims.  

At Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys, we guarantee that you will receive excellent legal advice, services, and assistance. Using professional lawyers who are familiar with personal injury law and cases, you will be able to assert your rights and entitlements without worry or delay.

Our legal experts will put out their best effort in your case to guarantee that you are fairly compensated. Call Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys at 833-692-5038 today.