We investigate the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for insufficient investigations, poor staffing on crashes, and not producing the correct documents needed for litigation. The NTSB is understaffed. Some of its investigators are undertrained and simply rely too heavily on the aviation industries’ investigators who are invariably ‘assisting’ the NTSB in the official investigation (despite their obvious self-interest).

The manufacturers’ representatives to NTSB investigations never identify or produce documents that will assist an official investigation if they are unfavorable to a manufacturer’s legal interests. The NTSB is forced to rely on the airplane, helicopter, and engine manufacturers’ expertise because its resources are spread too thin and its investigators are inadequately trained.


Best Helicopter Accident Lawyer

Operating in numerous states, we have the qualifications and expertise to help you get the compensation you deserve for your helicopter accident settlement. We have successfully represented victims in all types of personal injury cases and are here to offer free legal advice so you can get the maximum compensation you deserve.

Schedule a free consultation today with one of our experienced helicopter accident lawyers to understand the parameters of your case and provide you with top-tier service.